sailNED TV

HP 1030

Future racing
Strict entypsklass to sail fun and fair events and regattas, as well as ensuring a high resale value.

The boat has enough interior space to accommodate the entire family 6 bed, standing height, big bathroom, kitchenette with oven, etc.
It is environmentally friendly both in material and method of manufacture and operation. Electric motor that charges itself during the sailing.
Strict entypsklass to sail fun and fair events and regattas, as well as ensuring a high resale value.
It has the latest sail designs with large fathead on two feet, which are in dispute automatically for easy, fast and efficient sailing.
Large genacker at low retractable peke 2.1 meters, and everything is handled from the cockpit, no one on deck
Very large cockpit for the entire crew, no longer will have to sit on the scanning deck along the rough and have to be soaked.
Modern underwater body planar light about 8 m / s. Easy to maneuver in harbors and on the track.
Large rudder, effective deep T-keel with large heavy hitter in the bottom provides a rigid, stable and safe boat.